Nuvojoy Pte. Ltd. (Supplier)


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About Company

Nuvojoy was started by 2 sisters who are passionate about re-fashioning the way we enjoy our local Asian delights. Asian food cultures offer a wide array of foods and desserts that are delectable to our eyes and palate! However, these delights tend to be high in calories, sugar, saturated fat and trans-fat, which can negatively affect our blood sugar levels and overall health. Nuvojoy changes this by developing clinically tested low glycemic index (GI) Asian desserts and premixes, such as soy pudding, sponge cake, kueh lapis, and madeleine cake. Our products are digested and absorbed more slowly, resulting in a lower - and slower - increase in our blood sugar levels. Research has proven that a healthy low-GI diet can help to manage our blood glucose levels, reduce blood cholesterol levels, maintain a healthy weight, improve heart health, provide sustainable energy and improved mental performance. Nuvojoy’s team of food scientists and nutritionists curated different natural and functional ingredients to methodologically develop -tasty desserts without compromising on their flavours or textures. Regardless of whether you are health conscious, diabetic, concerned for your loved ones' diets, or simply being careful about the food that you put into your body, we’ve got something that you'll enjoy.

Nuvojoy’s inception was triggered by something personal to the founders. Their father suffered a bad fall and was hospitalized for an extended period during which they learnt about the kinds of food that are served to patients, including supplement drinks that tend to be sweet, with metallic after-taste, artifically flavoured or milky - not exactly suitable for Asian taste buds. Nuvojoy’s founders were concerned about their father’s poor appetite while he was hospitalised and when he was recuperating after being discharged. They wondered if other patients were similarly affected. Regardless of whether we are in sickness or in health, food is something that everyone can and should enjoy. If the true essence of our local foods is stripped away, it also removes a crucial aspect of our daily enjoyment. Thus, Nuvojoy developed Asian desserts that are low in carbohydrates, high in protein with no refined sugars, to provide something highly nutritious - yet able to adhere to traditional flavours and tastes - that Asians continue to hold dear to their hearts.